The Green Witch - Haven Botanical The Green Witch - Haven Botanical
The Green Witch
Discover the power of natural magic and healing through herbs, flowers, and essential oils in this new guide to green witchcraft.At her core, the green witch is a naturalist, an herbalist, a wise woman, and a healer. She embraces the power of nature; she draws energy from the Earth and the Universe; she relies on natural objects like stones and gems to commune with the land she lives off of; she uses plants, flowers, oils, and herbs for healing; she calls on nature for guidance; and she respects every living being no matter how small.In The Green Witch, you will learn the way of the green witch, from how to use herbs, plants, and flowers to make potions and oils for everyday healing as well as how crystals, gems, stones, and even twigs can help you find balance within. You’ll discover how to find harmony in Earth’s great elements and connect your soul to every living creature. This guide also contains directions for herbal blends and potions, ritual suggestions, recipes for sacred foods, and information on how to listen to and commune with nature. Embrace the world of the green witch and discover what the power of nature has in store for you.
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The Witch's Book of Self-Care - Haven Botanical
The Witch's Book of Self-Care
Boost your health and healing through the magical power of self-care with The Witch's Book of Self-Care. Inside, you'll explore explore ways to reconnect with yourself and honor your spiritual and emotional health. Call upon the energies of natural objects such as herbs, stones, and the elements to care for yourself spiritually. Discover activities to find balance and recharge, and try meditations designed to help you get in touch with yourself again, spiritually and otherwise.  Let The Witch's Book of Self-Care start you on the journey of taking care of your energy and your health - with the help of magic.   
Library of Esoterica - Tarot - Haven Botanical - Taschen Library of Esoterica - Tarot - Haven Botanical - Taschen
Library of Esoterica - Tarot
To explore the Tarot is to explore ourselves, to be reminded of the universality of our longing for meaning, for purpose and for a connection to the divine. This 600-year-old tradition reflects not only a history of seekers, but our journey of artistic expression and the ways we communicate our collective human story. For many in the West, Tarot exists in the shadow place of our cultural consciousness, a metaphysical tradition assigned to the dusty glass cabinets of the arcane. Its history, long and obscure, has been passed down through secret writing, oral tradition, and the scholarly tomes of philosophers and sages. Hundreds of years and hundreds of creative hands—mystics and artists often working in collaboration—have transformed what was essentially a parlor game into a source of divination and system of self-exploration, as each new generation has sought to evolve the form and reinterpret the medium. Author Jessica Hundley traces this fascinating history in Tarot, the debut volume in TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica series. The book explores the symbolic meaning behind more than 500 cards and works of original art, two thirds of which have never been published outside of the decks themselves. It's the first ever visual compendium of its kind, spanning from Medieval to modern, and artfully arranged according to the sequencing of the 78 cards of the Major and Minor Arcana. It explores the powerful influence of Tarot as muse to artists like Salvador Dalí and Niki de Saint Phalle and includes the decks of nearly 100 diverse contemporary artists from around the world, all of whom have embraced the medium for its capacity to push cultural identity forward. Rounding out the volume are excerpts from thinkers such as Éliphas Lévi, Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell; a foreword by artist Penny Slinger; a guide to reading the cards by Johannes Fiebig; and an essay on oracle decks by Marcella Kroll.
Library of Esoterica - Astrology -  Haven Botanical - Taschen Library of Esoterica - Astrology - Haven Botanical - Taschen
Library of Esoterica - Astrology
The art of astrology, from ancient science to modern-day practice From the beginning of human history, individuals across cultures and belief systems have looked to the sky for meaning. The movement of celestial bodies and their relation to our human lives has been the central tenant of astrology for thousands of years. The practice has both inspired reverence and worship, and deepened our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.While modern-day horoscopes may be the most familiar form of astrological knowledge, their lineage reaches back to ancient Mesopotamia. As author Andrea Richards recounts in Astrology, the second volume in TASCHEN’s Library of Esoterica series, astronomy and astrology were once sister sciences: the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid at Giza was built to align with constellations, Persian scholars oversaw some of the first observatories, and even Galileo cast horoscopes for the Medicis. But with the Enlightenment and the birth of exact science, the practice moved to places where mystery was still permitted, inspiring literature, art, and psychology, and influenced artists and thinkers such as Goethe, Byron, and Blake. Later movements like the Theosophists and the New Agers, would thrust the practice into the mainstream.Edited by Jessica Hundley, this vibrant visual history of Western astrology is the first ever compendium of its kind, exploring the symbolic meaning behind more than 400 images, from Egyptian temples and illuminated manuscripts to contemporary art from across the globe. Works by artists from Alphonese Mucha and Hilma af Klint to Arpita Singh and Manzel Bowman are sequenced to mirror the spin of the planets and the wheel of the zodiac. With wisdom from new interviews with astrologers like Robert Hand, Jessica Lanyadoo, and Mecca Woods, Astrology celebrates the stars and their mysterious influence on our everyday lives.
Library of Esoterica - Witchcraft - Haven Botanical - Taschen Library of Esoterica - Witchcraft - Haven Botanical - Taschen
Library of Esoterica - Witchcraft
A spellbinding journey through the global history of witchcraft, the third volume in The Library of Esoterica follows this magickal tradition from its ancient roots to its modern incarnations. Through more than 400 artworks, and revelatory essays and interviews with modern practitioners, Witchcraft chronicles a cathartic evolution, from the craft’s emergence in ancient goddess worship to the embrace by today’s diverse witch community.
Taschen - Library of Esoterica - Plant Magick - Haven Botanical Taschen - Library of Esoterica - Plant Magick - Haven Botanical
Library of Esoterica - Plant Magick
A stunning book for those who revel in the fascinating world of plants, this fourth volume in The Library of Esoterica explores the historic roots of plants in myth, religion, and magickal practices. Through essays, interviews, and more than 400 images—from ancient Egyptian stonework to 18th-century botanical illustrations—Plant Magick chronicles the beautifully symbiotic relationship between plants and people
Plants for the People - Haven Botanical
Plants for the People
Plants are our past. Plants are our future. We are diminished if we can't celebrate plants, properly understand their powers and harness their energy to heal ourselves.  Even with the advances of modern medicine, people are still suffering: low energy and immunity, gut problems, allergies, high stress, bad quality sleep, skin that doesn't glow, inflammation and infections that won't clear up. We are depleted, but here is a handbook of healing.  Plants for the People is an exploration of the plant world through the eyes of a master herbalist, featuring 40 medicinal plants. This is a beginner's guide to using herbs for high vitality and a better sense of wellbeing. With recipes for easy-to-make teas, tinctures, syrups, balms and baths, this book is a modern presentation of an ancient wisdom.   This is plant medicine's time to shine. 
The House Witch - Haven Botanical
The House Witch
Home is a place of refuge, renewal, and creativity, where you begin and end each day. It is also the primary root of your energy and spirituality. The house witch works to honor and strengthen that sacred space, making it as simple, peaceful, and nourishing as possible. She explores and uses the magic of the home. While other spiritual paths often look beyond the home to focus on the natural world, the house witch creates a solid and supportive place to work from - a literal home base. In The House Witch, you'll explore the energies of hearth and home and learn how you can create a spiritual haven for yourself and your loved ones in today's busy world. This guide also contains ritual suggestions, recipes for sacred foods, directions for mixing blends and potions, and more. Where you find shelter and nourishment is an important part of who you are. Embrace the world of the house witch and discover what the power of the home has in store for you. 
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