The Temperance - our classic bouquet



Small Medium Large Luxe

The Temperance - our classic bouquet

Product Features

The Temperance is lush bouquet of beautiful seasonal fresh flowers in pastel tones of pinks, apricots, lemons, sage greens and creams.   A ideal flower bouquet for those who love all things soft and feminine, the the temperance features voluptuous roses, spray roses, stock, queen annes lace and lissianthus.  Because the temperance is understated in its colourings and form it is also suitable to send as a sympathy bouquet.

Beautifully presented in card and finished with a luxurious ribbon.  Pictured bouquet is a large size.

Please note that flower varieties are subject to seasonal and market availability. It may not be entirely possible to replicate the flowers pictured but our florists will create a bouquet as similar in colour and style as possible.


Small Medium Large Luxe

Order before 12pm for same day delivery throughout the Northern Rivers

Created with love

Delivery Details Product Description Reviews
We offer same day delivery throughout the Byron Shire.

If you have any questions about delivery or if you need to request a particular delivery time please call our store and we will do our very best to assist you +61 0407721317‬

All deliveries are performed by a courier company so please double check the address and contact details you have provided as flowers/plants that cannot be delivered due to an address error will incur a second fee for re delivery.

All our fresh flowers are sent from store in water so if no one is home upon delivery they will be left in a safe spot remaining hydrated.


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